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Found in 2011, BioJet Co.,LTD provides high tech of science to the scientific research community, services and trade in biotechnologies. With co-operation of companies, Universities and colleges, we always have the information of developments and the new mechanisms of biology in the world that help for development biotechnology of BioJet and specially Okinawa. The fields of research are molecular, analysis genomic of microorganism, bioinformatic analysis, application microbiology.

Sampling of Recent Projects
 Next Generation Sequencing
1. Whole genome analysis of using Monascus sp. using NGS
2. Study of comparative genomics and the phenotype of Aspergillus awamori
3. Analysis genomic of Aspergillus awamori and flavors
4. The relevance of the Black yeast strain and flavor for brewing awamori
 Application microbiology services
1. Awamori brewing technology applied to the type of rices
2. Evaluation bactericidal effect of the lightbulbs
1. Fermented Food
2. Food analysis
3. Planning of the next generation sequencers and data analysis